Donggn Aodeiong Pipe Co,Lr. was established o November 7,2017,with a registered cop of l million yuan. Aodelong pipe sillicone ruthet hose adopts Germae menufrcturing
cqpipmentand production technology to provide safe and cfficicnt guarantce for customers in the process ofuse. Since its csmblshryentAodetong pioe indery hes beee comemitted to the researe and development and production off food. wine, juicedrinks, edible oil medical health, chemical industry, industrial vacuum ventilation and other industries, its food grade steel wire hose, food hose, pu wear resistant hose, static conductivity hose, ventilation and vacum soft pipe
biopharmaccutical siticone hose, sillicone wire hose, food grade rubber Tube.Tetion. Tube. no plasticizer. wine hose and other products n theindustyhas a good quality and service reputation! Hard work continoous innovation! The main product food grade PU hose has passed the EU SGS testing agencythe company provided in linc with the S FDA food grade regulations testing certificaton. acheved the domestic food byeicnc hose and pharmaccutical undustry teciinical breakthrough, and has been affirned in practical upplcaton!
Strength to win the trust prolessional cast brand
Aocciong Pipe industry-(hanas feed hygene tharmeccuucal bosc iedesiry lcader