

S610KPB 彩彈軟膠囊機(jī)

  • 公司名稱北京勝坤科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/7/19 11:57:37
  • 訪問次數(shù)211

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北京勝坤科技有限公司創(chuàng)始人為原航天15所民品總工程師,從事軟膠囊設(shè)備相關(guān)工作28年,曾為國內(nèi)軟膠囊機(jī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的主要起草人。公司于2019年中開始與美國合作伙伴合作,面向美、歐需求市場推出系列產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。在美國Ontario市合作設(shè)立了售后服務(wù)中心,目前已具備設(shè)備大修、設(shè)備與工藝培訓(xùn)、配件供應(yīng)、模具維修等能力,中心擁有三坐標(biāo)測量機(jī)、激光焊接機(jī)、磨床等設(shè)備,是美國目前唯二具備軟膠囊模具大修能力的單位。公司現(xiàn)有研發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)人員5名,其中兩位為國家認(rèn)可的高級工程師,具備較強(qiáng)的研發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)能力。秉持重研發(fā)、重品質(zhì)、輕資產(chǎn)的理念,公司目前已在細(xì)分領(lǐng)域做到了某國際主要市場,具備完備的軟膠囊(含彩彈)生產(chǎn)線交付能力,具備交鑰匙工程能力?;谂c國際主要植物膠軟膠囊代工廠家的合作,以及早前在植物膠軟膠囊方面積累的基礎(chǔ),勝坤科技對于植物膠軟膠囊的設(shè)備、工藝、原料有著深刻的理解,近幾年一直是國際幾家主要植物膠軟膠囊代工商的首要設(shè)備、服務(wù)提供商。公司也在彩彈軟膠囊領(lǐng)域持續(xù)進(jìn)步,為美國的彩彈軟膠囊生產(chǎn)商提供8條完整的生產(chǎn)線,其新建廠是按照勝坤科技提供的方案進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì)的。公司也在為國際上部分同行提供軟膠囊機(jī)零件、組件以及配套設(shè)備,同時(shí)也為部分客戶提供客制化的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)零件設(shè)計(jì)、加工。公司特配有200KVA 變頻變壓電源,用以模擬世界各國的工業(yè)電壓和頻率,確保設(shè)備在客戶處可靠穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行。公司研發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)部位于北京市亦莊經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū)。工廠位于河北省廊坊市廣陽開發(fā)區(qū)。
S610KPB 彩彈軟膠囊機(jī) 產(chǎn)品信息
  • 本機(jī)型適用于彩彈軟膠囊生產(chǎn)線。

    Model S610KPB paintball machine, is specially designed for making paintballs.  This model of soft capsule machine is optimized  to run continuously with heavy paste paint material, maximize the use of the die roll length.  As option we provide stripe paintball devices, double layer (bi-laminar) gelatin ribbon function, and gelatin ribbon printing devices.  With more than 20 years of experience in the paintball making machinery field, we can help customers make quality paintballs in short period of time.

    This model is good for 0.68" calibre, 0.5" calibre and 0.43" calibre paintballs.

    Our special paintball die roll design guarantee the paintball roundness and leaking free paintball making.  

    Machine Model: S610KPB

    Die roll size: Φ150x250mm

    Die Roll Speed:0-5rpm;

    Practical Running Speed for 0.68“ Paintball:  3~3.5rpm

    Total Power: 16kW   three phase 220V/380V/ 415V,50Hz/60Hz

    Plunger numbers: 9 at each side

    Prodcution Capacity for 0.68” paintball:   60480 pcs / hour @3rpm

    Aluminum frame with 304 cover;

    Micro gelatin ribbon lubrication;

    Die roll shafts Parallelism less than 0.015mm;

    Ultra High accuracy temperature control;

    Extremely low gelatin wastage;

    Ultra high precision cooling drum;

    Maintenance free cooling drum;

    Independent capsule stripper driven;

    Independent mangle roller driven;

    Automatic spreader box;

    Automatic hopper level control;

    With Paintball counter ;

    High reliability, extremely low down time

    Automatic fill supply, Specially designed for paitball making. 


    Model S610KPB paintball machine, is specially designed for making paintballs.  This model of soft capsule machine is optimized  to run continuously with heavy paste paint material, maximize the use of the die roll length.  As option we provide stripe paintball devices, double layer (bi-laminar) gelatin ribbon function, and gelatin ribbon printing devices.  With more than 20 years of experience in the paintball making machinery field, we can help customers make quality paintballs in short period of time.

    This model is good for 0.68" calibre, 0.5" calibre and 0.43" calibre paintballs.

    Our special paintball die roll design guarantee the paintball roundness and leaking free paintball making.  

    Machine Model: S610KPB

    Die roll size: Φ150x250mm

    Die Roll Speed:0-5rpm;

    Practical Running Speed for 0.68“ Paintball:  3~3.5rpm

    Total Power: 16kW   three phase 220V/380V/ 415V,50Hz/60Hz

    Plunger numbers: 9 at each side

    Prodcution Capacity for 0.68” paintball:   60480 pcs / hour @3rpm

    Aluminum frame with 304 cover;

    Micro gelatin ribbon lubrication;

    Die roll shafts Parallelism less than 0.015mm;

    Ultra High accuracy temperature control;

    Extremely low gelatin wastage;

    Ultra high precision cooling drum;

    Maintenance free cooling drum;

    Independent capsule stripper driven;

    Independent mangle roller driven;

    Automatic spreader box;

    Automatic hopper level control;

    With Paintball counter ;

    High reliability, extremely low down time

    Automatic fill supply, Specially designed for paitball making. 

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