Series 4000 Y-Pattern Lift Check Valves
- Description
- Specifications
- Documentation
Hancock 4000 Series Y-Pattern Lift Check valves are designed for ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I locations and are recommended for applications where leak-tight prevention of flow reversal is required. The type 4080 is especially efficient in high pressure, high temperature steam, water and chemical applications.
Features & Benefits:
- All valves are equipped with high temperature Inconel® springs as standard equipment.
- Disc is fully guided and vented for accurate seat contact, smooth operation and maximum lift.
- Spring-loaded disc ensures positive closure, regardless of mounting position.
- The stainless steel disc is hardened, ground and lapped to ensure leak-free sealing over the valve’s full pressure/temperature range.
- All internal surfaces are accurately machined to provide maximum performance.
- Seat is overlaid with Stellite or equal hardfacing.
- The integral seat hardfacing is overlaid directly on to the base material, eliminating any possibility of leakage behind the seat.
- Flat, precision machined and lapped seating surfaces eliminate damage from high impact seating.
- Socket weld and butt weld ends are available as standard.
- Standard body materials are carbon steel (ASME SA105), alloy steel (ASME SA 182 Gr. F22) and stainless steel (ASME SA 182 Gr. F316).
- All standard valves are made from one-piece die forged bodies.
- Bonnets and discs are machined from barstock.
- Full compliance with Section 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and ASME/ANSI B16.34.
Sizes: 1/2" to 4"; Class 1690, Class 2680, Class 4500