

MPS75SL 機械軸承絲杠平臺 | MPS75SL Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Linear Stage | 滾珠絲杠驅動直線定位平臺

  • 公司名稱北京艾瑪特科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質代理商
  • 更新時間2024/9/16 8:02:48
  • 訪問次數28

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The MPS75SL is a compact, high-performance linear positioning stage that is perfect for the confines of the laboratory while providing the high reliability required in a production environment. It is ......
MPS75SL 機械軸承絲杠平臺 | MPS75SL Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Linear Stage | 滾珠絲杠驅動直線定位平臺 產品信息
● Compact 75 mm width with travel to 100 mm
● Precision ground ball-screw drive
● DC servo or stepper motor
● Anti-creep crossed-roller bearings
● High resolution (0.1 μm), repeatability (±0.75 μm) and accuracy (±1.0 μm)
● High-vacuum compatible
● Optional bellows waycovers

● Compact multi-axis configurations

High Accuracy
The precision ground ball-screw provides exceptional accuracy, repeatability and ultra-fine positioning resolution capability to 0.1 micron. The DC servomotor is equipped with a rotary encoder. The anti-creep crossed-roller linear bearings provide smooth travel and excellent payload characteristics.

Optional Vacuum Preparation
The MPS75SL is available with optional vacuum preparation to 10-6 Torr. It is the perfect compact stage choice for today demanding vacuum applications in markets such as semiconductor manufacturing and inspection, optics fabrication and military/aerospace.

Highly Configurable
An optional breadboard mounting plate provides direct mounting to both English and metric breadboards. Bellows waycovers are available for use in dusty environments. Any of the models can be mounted in an XY configuration and, with the right-angle L-bracket, in XYZ configurations. It can also be mounted with the smaller MPS50SL stage.

The MPS75SL is a member of the MPS (Miniature Positioning Stage) family of linear, rotary, goniometer and vertical lift and Z stages. Two or more stages can easily be mounted together in numerous combinations using standardized mounting patterns and adapter plates.

在找 MPS75SL 機械軸承絲杠平臺 | MPS75SL Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Linear Stage | 滾珠絲杠驅動直線定位平臺 產品的人還在看




