Rxi-XLB是一種低極性固定相技術,對于很多MS分析來說需要柱子有很低的流失性及耐高溫性質,本柱子可用于殺蟲劑,PCB同族元素,亞老哥爾混合物,及PAHs等。本柱子對以上產品具有*的選擇性。可用在30 到 360攝氏度。
- General purpose columns exhibiting extremely low bleed. Ideal for many GC/MS applications, including pesticides, PCB congeners or (e.g.) Aroclor mixes, PAHs.
- Unique selectivity.
- Temperature range: 30°C to 360°C.
Improvements in polymer synthesis and tubing deactivation enable us to make inert, stable Rxi?-XLB columns especially well-suited for analyzing active, high molecular weight compounds with sensitive GC/MS systems, including ion trap detectors. Excellent efficiency, coupled with inertness, low bleed, and high thermal stability, make Rxi?-XLB columns ideal for analyzing semivolatile compounds in drinking water (e.g., US EPA Method 525).
(low polarity proprietary phase)